Adult Forums, Winter 2021

We dig deep with an open spirit into questions of faith and life. Currently adult forum meets from 10:20am-11am Sundays. Use the Sunday worship zoom link (website front page) and join the Breakout Room when invited.

Ruins of Corinth with Temple of Apollo

Beginning January 17, 2021: 1st Corinthians

“Paul trudges into Corinth, a lively and lascivious city, presumably on foot and he does not cut a fine figure. He’s recently been badly beaten in Phillipi and has had to leave three other cities in a hurry just ahead of the mob. He leaves Corinth about 18 months later sometime in late 52 having been charged by his Jewish opponents of teaching to “worship God in illegal ways”, but Gallio the Roman governor decides this is an internal matter and refuses to judge him. In around 53, while in Ephesus, he writes his first letter to the Corinthians. We’ll examine what he was saying and why?” – N.T. Wright

Mark Bertelsen will lead us into discussion on 1st Corinthians.  Join us!

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