The Conversation
9am – 9:45am Sunday morning greetings and open-ended conversations about faith and life. It’s in the library, where we have a very nice hybrid setup – so join us in person or on zoom
Slow Read, Luke’s Infancy Stories
At 9am on Sundays in the library and on zoom, we’ll be doing a slow read of the gospel of Luke, chapters 1 and 2. A slow read is just taking turns reading the text out loud, pausing to ask questions, share insights and consider the meaning. One person acts as facilitator and offers a little background information when needed. It’s a great way to learn about the Bible if you’re new to it.
About Luke 1 and 2:
Most people have heard the famous nativity story from Luke 2, with its angels, shepherds and baby lying in a manger because there was no place in the inn. But Luke actually tells two beautiful birth stories together, and tells how God’s promises generate joy from people of low status to the edge of the empire. In just two chapters, we get the stories of Nativity, Annunciation (angel’s visit to Mary), Visitation (Mary’s visit with Elizabeth) and Presentation (Jesus at temple) – along with texts of the songs of Zechariah, Mary and Simeon.
We’ll be supplementing readings with selections from the rich variety of art depicting these events. Some of what we read together will also be heard in worship this season, so the slow read can enrich your worship participation.
Tentative Schedule:
November 10
Luke 1:1-25, Elizabeth, Zechariah, annunciation of John the Baptist
November 17
Luke 1:26-56, the annunciation of Jesus and visitation (visitation to be heard at Dec 22 worship)
November 24
The Magnificat, Luther’s commentary, veneration of Mary
December 1
Luke 1:57-80, the birth of John the Baptist
December 8
Luke 2:1-20, the birth of Jesus (Dec 24 worship)
December 15
Luke 2:21-52 the presentation and childhood of Jesus (Dec 29 worship)
December 22
Canticles (Song of Simeon, Benedictus, Magnificat), music, art, liturgy