Youth and children at FLC learn faith as they participate in a supportive, inter-generational community.
Vital to This Community
In addition to activities just for them, we invite children and youth to participate as worship assistants, musicians both instrumental and vocal, service projects, worship skits, crafts and having fun. We love inter-generational events.
We’ve been offering occasional Sunday School “deep dives” on topics such as the Lord’s Prayer and Holy Communion. But the richer curriculum of lifelong learning that children and adults do together, is learning how to belong to a community, getting used to serving people in need and discovering what it means to worship. These topics are learned as we simply do church together and reflect on it.
Children At Worship
Children are most welcome at all services of worship. They both receive and assist with communion. At one point, children are invited forward for a children’s sermon. A child or youth “crucifer” often leads processions, carrying the cross.
Young Children
They can join parents in the pew, sit at the craft table in the back, or the small room just behind the sanctuary, with a window looking in. It’s natural for children to make noise, and we are fine with it.
Children can also head downstairs to our Children’s Center for all or part of the service, where childcare is provided. The Children’s Center is outfitted like a preschool. Please bring diapering supplies if your child needs them.
Baptism, Confirmation
Baptism is for all ages – children included. Occasional classes are provided for children and parents to better understand Holy Communion.
Confirmation allows for teens to go deeper in their learning, culminating with an opportunity to affirm their faith during worship and become voting members of the congregation.
- FLC Lemonade stand
- Assembling relief kits
- Rally Day sidewalk art
- Local backpack recipient
- Camping
- A variety of ways to enjoy camping
- Gone birding in the Baylands