The Conversation

9am – 9:45am Sunday morning greetings and open-ended conversations about faith and life. It’s in the library, where we have a very nice hybrid setup – so join us in person or on zoom

Resurrection Hope

Tentative Schedule:

March 2
We’ll be looking at Paul’s discussion of the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15, by way of concluding our previous series and introducing the new series.

March 9
Proverbs, Baruch and the resurrection as an offer of wisdom.

March 16
Ezekiel 37 and the Valley of the Dry Bones; communal hope after disaster.

March 23
Genesis 22 – one of the most troubling bible stories – a way out of the impossible, and atonement.

March 30
Daniel 3 and God’s presence in the fiery furnace.

April 6
Exodus 14 and God’s deliverance through the sea as foundational resurrection story.

April 13