
Reflect on this year’s stewardship theme – “Come to the Water” – and offer a plan for giving for 2025.

Come to the water

You have come down to the lakeshore
Seeking neither the wise nor the wealthy,
But only asking for me to follow.

Water is essential for all living things. Our faith journey begins with the sacrament of baptism. Our immigrant friends crossed the river on our southern border. Most of our ancestors—including First Lutheran’s Swedish founders—navigated an ocean to come to America. Our faith guides us through floods and droughts and comforts us beside a flowing stream or as we walk the beach.

Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes,
Kindly smiling, you’ve called out my name.
On the sand I’ve abandoned my small boat;
Now with you, I will seek other seas.
-Cesáreo Gabaraín, translated by Madeleine Marshall

As we embark upon our 2025 Stewardship Campaign—we invite you to Come to the Water and share your gifts for FLC’s future—financially, and with your time, talent and prayers. Mark your calendar for Commitment Sunday, November 10, 2024!

Your stewardship committee,
John Allured, Joyce Rice, Pastors Bernt Hillesland and Katherine Marshall

Here’s information on how to give and here’s a page on why we give.

Your Pledge for 2025