We know people can be uneasy when they first visit a church. At FLC (First Lutheran Church) you will be greeted warmly. It gives us joy to meet people who bring a variety of experiences, interests, struggles and gifts.

We, the community of First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Palo Alto, proclaim that Christ, in grace, draws all people to himself. We welcome the full participation of people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, physical and mental abilities, educational backgrounds, and economic conditions. We value families in their many, diverse forms and we support marriage equality for all couples. We embrace people from diverse faith backgrounds, Christians from every tradition and people new to faith.
That’s a statement of welcome we as a congregation stand behind, voting to approve these words in a congregational meeting. Since 1991 we have been a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. RIC recognizes Lutheran communities that publicly welcome diverse in sexual orientation and gender identity. The stained glass image at the front of our sanctuary is of Christ spreading his arms in welcome of all people.

Ways to Get Involved
There’s multiple ways to experience FLC. Often, visitors come on Sunday. If you come for worship, we’d love to have you join us afterwards for coffee and treats – but it’s fine if you don’t.
Contact a Pastor
Our pastors enjoy meeting new people, whether for an email exchange or in person at church or some local coffee shop. We’re happy to talk church, life, faith or whatever you like.
Other Activities
Opportunities you read about on this website are open to anyone, such as choir, zoom bible study or centering prayer, the book group, concerts, outdoor and service activities. We love serving our neighborhood as a community center.
The pastors schedule Newcomers Groups for the purpose of getting to know each other better and learning more about faith and the church. There’s no pressure to become a member. Those who do are received through Baptism or (for those already baptized) a short rite of welcome called Affirmation of Baptism.